AU  - Xin, Li
AU  - Shaomin, Liu
AU  - Qin, Xiao
AU  - Mingguo, Ma
AU  - Rui, Jin
AU  - Tao, Che
AU  - Weizhen, Wang
AU  - Xiaoli, Hu
AU  - Ziwei, Xu
AU  - Jianguang, Wen
AU  - Liangxu, Wang
PY  - 2017
DA  - 2017//
TI  - A multiscale dataset for understanding complex eco-hydrological processes in a heterogeneous oasis system.
JO  - Scientific data
VL  - 4
AB  - We introduce a multiscale dataset obtained from Heihe Watershed Allied Telemetry Experimental Research (HiWATER) in an oasis-desert area in 2012. Upscaling of eco-hydrological processes on a heterogeneous surface is a grand challenge. Progress in this field is hindered by the poor availability of multiscale observations. HiWATER is an experiment designed to address this challenge through instrumentation on hierarchically nested scales to obtain multiscale and multidisciplinary data. The HiWATER observation system consists of a flux observation matrix of eddy covariance towers, large aperture scintillometers, and automatic meteorological stations; an eco-hydrological sensor network of soil moisture and leaf area index; hyper-resolution airborne remote sensing using LiDAR, imaging spectrometer, multi-angle thermal imager, and L-band microwave radiometer; and synchronical ground measurements of vegetation dynamics, and photosynthesis processes. All observational data were carefully quality controlled throughout sensor calibration, data collection, data processing, and datasets generation. The data are freely available at figshare and the Cold and Arid Regions Science Data Centre. The data should be useful for elucidating multiscale eco-hydrological processes and developing upscaling methods.
ID  - Xin2017
ER  -